Welcome! Ready to Rise?

If you are here, you may be a woman who needs more answers. You feel ready to soften your edges, and feel expansive in your life & relationships. Maybe you feel a disconnect between what this toxic over-culture is spewing to women as right/wrong. Or perhaps, none of the western medicine OR holistic healing “gurus” have actually gotten you where you wanted to be. (Only you can heal yourself.)

At the core, you know your Feminine Flame is dampened, and you are ready to stoke the fire.

You want to be seen and honored as the Goddess you are, and your ready to face the big questions & remove blocks around holistic self-healing, choosing a sovereign birth journey, and/or residing in your Feminine Spirit.

I am here to exist as your mirror, and be a fountain of resources for you to make sovereign decisions from an educated, empowered place.

May you be Sovereign, sis.