Elements – Mind, Body, Heart and Soul

The elements fire, water, earth and air are the 4 substances that make up our physical universe, but I believe them to reach far deeper than our physical body.

During a viewing of Avatar, The Last Airbender, Ang was going through a particularly challenging time learning to earth-bend. The instructor, Toph made a clear point that earth-bending should come more natural to him, as earth is the opposite of air.

This immediately resonated in a drastic way. In my life, I struggle with embracing the air element. I am an earth sign through and through, remaining grounded and calm and close to the floor. In fact, I almost always sit on the floor wherever I am.

Muladhara, our root chakra is associated with the earth element. This pertains to our sense of security, family or tribe, ability to grow roots and focus. I knew my root chakra was imbalanced, however after doing some chakra work last week I’ve discovered my muladhara is out of balance in a way I didn’t discover before. I feel unstable, a place of fear within me always lurking and telling me to hustle, gather, grow and go, therefore I grip to the earth element in a not-so-balanced way. I’m so fearful of lack of support. I have openly struggled with financial security (which I am indeed working on.) and nurture that I have closed off other pathways that offer freedom, out of fear they just won’t provide for me.

I’m too grounded, if you will.

In the science of Ayurveda, I have a lot of Vatta, the air and ether elements within my physical body. I get dizzy very easily, I can pop most any joint, I always need protein-rich foods to feel satiated, and often become bloated or gassy. As a human with habits, I tend to focus on all of the “bad” characteristics that air causes me,since it’s no fun feeling unexpectedly dizzy, or worrying about when I can eat again.

On a side note for further exploration, the air element is associated with the Anahata chakra, the heart center. Anahata imbalances can affect compassion, empathy, ability to connect to others, abilities to give and receive love, as well as loving every bit of yourself.

The air element in it’s positive attributes represents freedom and expansiveness, letting go to allow peace to arrive. So if I’m to shift my focus and begin to embrace this obvious duality within me, I can discover what air has given and can give me.

I have the ability to float into most yoga asanas easily

I have the ability to give lots of love freely to others

I have an extremely expansive, accepting mind, always reaching past walls, limits and boundaries, as air does.

Air offers me freedom, new pathways without restrictions, if I can let my logical mind go long enough to find faith in it.

In my manifesting practice, one I’ve spoken of many times recently, air encourages me to let go of attachments to the process or the outcome. I can introduce a regular practice of visualization, feeling, gratitude and surrender, allowing my dreams and desires to manifest in their proper, divine time. If I grip to the earths security but also want change, the universe will receive mixed signals.

The wind flows in it’s own way, bringing currents of change, whimsy, lightheartedness and freedom. I’m learning to let the wind sweep me off my feet, carry me to the next destination, and indeed it will place me back on the earth again and again. I shouldn’t worry, mother earth is there. The universe will always take care of us.

Sometimes, we just have to let it.

If you are interested in learning about the 7 chakra system and their elements, head over to the YogiSophie’s Sistas Facebook group for the FREE chakra course running April 1-5, 2019.

Hari Om, Tat Sat
