Yoga Health Coaching

“I am a hard chickpea, willing to be tossed into the boiling water to become soft.” ~Rumi

Dear Sister,

This path is for you if you feel ready to take your health and well-being into your own hands. 

You will no longer settle for half-baked answers to your deepest concerns. 

You will cease to question if you’ve done enough for yourself or others. 

Your are ready to fulfill your life’s greatest desires and expose the truth of your best self.

You understand that you and you alone are responsible for if you thrive or just survive.

Let’s enter a thriving era together, Sister.

Background & Approach

I am an experienced 500 hour trained yoga instructor who specializes in accessible private and virtual classes for women looking to activate their Shakti and superpower their life!

I have practiced many methods of yoga asana, including Shakti yoga, Ayurveda yoga, Hatha Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin, Restorative yoga as well as Body Yantra and Natural Movement to add diversity and uniqueness to my teachings. My mission in a class is to remain centered in down-regulating our nervous systems from fight-or-flight into a pool of juicy, healing vibrations.

I believe we must learn to become grounded, safe and at home within our physical forms before we begin to ascend to higher realms of spirituality. For how can one dissolve into “oneness” if one cannot bear to dissolve into herself?

I don’t believe one method reigns over the others. I believe in solid foundations of discovering & befriending your body, from which you blossom into a practice that is uniquely you. I aim to provide all this with an understanding of energetics and dis-ease in the body and mind, so we may uproot old patterns from the source, while supporting the body with tools such as herbs, homeopathy, affirmations & food.

I have been instructing since 2013, and practicing since 2011. I have well over 3000 hours of experience in teaching, training & practice.

I took my 200 hour focused in Hatha and Vinyasa from Yax Yoga Concepts in Virginia Beach, VA in 2012.

I graduated my 300 hour training in Ashtanga yoga from, Abhinam Yoga School in Goa, India in April 2018.

I graduated from Level 1 Shakti School with Katie Silcox, a 300-hour Feminine Ayurveda health coaching certification in December of 2020.