The Couchsurfer

The consuming feeling of depression, a rare occurrence within my field of energy, has presented itself for 2 out of the last 3 days. Sleep has been horrible, and though I maintain enough of my energy to get myself back into the inviting, tranquil bedroom of my home, once I am there it begins to consume my essence. On one hand, I am aware of what I’m feeling. Whats coming up, and I can nearly pinpoint why, However, its difficult to pinpoint how to open and solve that issue. Part of me wracks my brain, wondering what it is “exactly”  to work with to fix the issues. In its own way, that’s stressed me out even more.

On the other hand, darkness must present itself from time to time for us to appreciate the light. Yet, so many of us just accept and feel the darkness until it overstays its welcome, like the couchsurfer who somehow never leaves, who you fear if you were to kick it out on its own into the world, it wouldn’t make it.

We create excuses for it. The more we pushover and let it run out lives, the more it thinks it can just keep staying in your home. Our excuses are our fears manifesting itself, adding up, encouraging darkness to cling to your life, freeloading on YOUR life.

What if….we send the darkness out on its own, excuses aside?

What if you made it pack up its suitcase and get out of your life?

I am fortunate enough to possess and utilize amazing tools…my yoga, my crystals, my breath, my food, to create some sense of stucture and grounding, and even though I don’t have the answers just yet, these tried and true tools are there for me, supporting me until the answers are ready to reveal themselves. Always.

I remember many moments of peace I’ve created myself. No frills, no assumptions, just the simplicity of movement, energy, and breath. I am forever grateful, forever in awe of the yoga practice

One by one, day by day, the light dawns once the darkness serves its lesson, and I am able to see the lies freeloading in my mind, and kick them out for good.


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